Worship with Us
We invite you to join us in worship as we experience, celebrate, and share God’s love.
Upon entering the sanctuary, my mind settles into a calmer, peaceful realm. Distractions of a busy life tend to fade.

In this gathering place, we’re growing up in God together.
Current Series
Holy Week & Easter
This is Holy Week. Let us journey together with Christ into the most sacred time of our Christian faith and experience God’s story. We begin with the celebration of a palm parade that is both joyous and confusing. This leads to Jesus gathering with his disciples, washing feet, and mandating that his followers must “love one another as he has loved.” This meal of beauty and grace quickly turns as Jesus is arrested; his accusers harass and harm him. He is tried, and then the cross of Golgotha looms, and the weeping begins. We rest on Saturday, waiting for dawn to come as we prepare our hearts to receive. On Easter Sunday, we joyously celebrate the resurrection of Christ, lifting our voices in praise of the hope that is ours and the world’s. This is our story. This is God’s story.
You are encouraged to participate in all the worship, remembering that without the journey of Holy Week, Easter loses its deep meaning.
Latest Message
Transfiguration Sunday
March 02, 2025
Latest Services
Transfiguration Sunday
Join us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in person or online. This Sunday we celebrate the transfiguration of Jesus as we ascend the mountain with Peter, James, and John to […]
Youth Sunday
Join us at 10:00 a.m. in person or online. Today is Youth Sunday and our focus, drawing from the story of Creation, is Sabbath and Rest in an Exhausted World. […]
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Join us at 10:00 a.m. in person or online.
Today's Livestream
March 05, 2025, 7:00 pm
Led by: Rev. Matt Weiler
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17; Matthew 6:1-6. 16-21
Bulletin: 7:00 pm
Join us for an Ash Wednesday service on March 5, 2025 as we mark the beginning of a period of reflection and understanding of the death and resurrection of Christ. […]
Livestream has not started.
Sometimes after worship I see First church people reaching out to those they don’t know. That’s good because we are all strangers who find ourselves on a journey to find the ways of Christ.
Baptism and Holy Communion

The United Methodist Church celebrates two sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion (Lord’s Supper or Eucharist). These were both instituted or commanded by Christ in the Gospels.
“Sacraments are sign-acts, which include words, actions, and physical elements. They both express and convey the gracious love of God, making it visible and effective. In all our brokenness and limitations, we can receive and experience God’s grace through the sacraments.” (This Holy Mystery)

In Baptism “we are initiated into Christ’s holy church…incorporated into God’s mighty acts of salvation and given new birth through water and the Spirit.” In baptism we reject the power of sin and begin our journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. Through baptism, we are born into a new way of living. Whether an infant or adult, this is just the beginning.
Baptism takes place during public worship of the community we call the church. Persons of any age may be baptized. Infants, children and others unable to take the vows for themselves are presented by parents and/or sponsors. Later those young people make their personal profession of faith in the service called confirmation.

Holy Communion
Holy Communion is an act through which our connection with God, each other and our life of ministry in the world is nourished and strengthened. It is a profound act of remembrance that recalls the last supper Jesus had with his disciples.
In the United Methodist communion liturgy, we pray seeking the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the gifts of bread and juice so that we will be sustained and strengthened to live as Christians in the world. We remember the saving work God has done through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. We also celebrate God’s work of making us one with Christ and uniting us in ministry to all the world.
The United Methodist Church practices open table communion. This means all are welcome with no barriers to community with Jesus Christ and with others.
At Kalamazoo First United Methodist Church, communion is served on the first Sunday of each month, as well as on Christmas Eve, Holy Thursday, and other special days.