Good Friday: Healed and Still Healing

Online Worship @ 6pm In person Anointing & Prayers at the Cross @ 7-8pm at FUMC We invite you to continue in Holy Week Worship on Good Friday, this time, “staying with” Jesus in his moment of suffering. The temptation is always for us to move to Easter Resurrection quickly as possible, and this may […]

Holy Thursday: Extravagant Love

Online Worship @ 6pm In person Communion & Symbolic Hand Washing @ 7-8pm at FUMC You are invited to Holy Thursday to remember that we are healed and still healing. A woman with an alabaster jar anointed Jesus out of love and devotion. We receive an anointing to prepare ourselves to receive the Spirit of […]

Palm Sunday: Holy, Wholly

We have seen that the stories of Jesus’ healing ministry are filled words and deeds. Our ability to forgive ourselves and others is the foundation that can transform infirmities and allow us to move on. We integrate our beliefs and actions for the health of the whole. The parade of compassionate power we celebrate today […]

Fifth Sunday of Lent: Restoration

In the season of Lent, we often focus on our spiritual health and how we might expand it or rather just nurture it with more intention, so that we may be prepared to celebrate the resurrection, the new life that is possible as we embrace the ways of love that Christ has taught us. For […]

Fourth Sunday of Lent: The Beauty of Mosaic

Prolonged times of difficulty can impede our ability to stay creative. The picture of our lives is dulled and hope for a brighter future can fade. We need a touch of inspiration to awaken us from our sleep, as we hear in one of this week’s healing stories. We also awaken to our agency to […]

Third Sunday of Lent: Truth Telling for Healing

Have you ever walked along the shores of Lake Michigan or another body of water and picked up stones as the waves lap across them? Perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to find a piece of glass that has been tumbled through the waters. When you pick these objects up, do you ever wonder what their […]

Second Sunday of Lent: Safe Keeping

God gathers us as a Beachcomber gathers and marvels at every precious surviving piece of beach glass she finds. We are never alone, we are never lost to the One who seeks humanity’s wholeness. We affirm our commitment to be the Body of Christ that knows we cannot be personally healed until we see the […]

Second Sunday of Lent: Safe Keeping

God gathers us as a Beachcomber gathers and marvels at every precious surviving piece of beach glass she finds. We are never alone, we are never lost to the One who seeks humanity’s wholeness. We affirm our commitment to be the Body of Christ that knows we cannot be personally healed until we see the […]

First Sunday of Lent: We are Treasure

Each of us is created a precious and holy vessel of embodied love. We have been through a harrowing time since last Lent that has shattered our sense of wholeness–body, mind and spirit–like a glass vessel fractured into pieces. Let us enter a Lenten “season of recovery” as we focus on Jesus, the Healer of our […]

Ash Wednesday: Shattered

All music is included in the bulletin, but will not always be on screen, so we recommend printing the bulletin (linked below) in advance as you're able. Ash Wednesday is a time of naming brokenness. As we enter the season of Lent, we commit to enter also into a season of healing and recovery that requires […]

It’ll All Make Sense On the Other Side of Easter

This weekend in worship we celebrate Transfiguration Sunday, that great moment when Jesus is illuminated on the mountain, and voice of God speaks saying, “This is my son, the beloved...” while Moses and Elijah minister to him. Moses is the embodiment of all the law and Elijah is the embodiment of all the prophets. This […]

Rising & Looking to a New Horizon

As the Gospel of Mark continues to unfold in the first chapter, the Gospel writer maintains in his direct and uncomplicated style. In the healing story for today, Jesus simply “raises her up.” Simon’s mother-in-law had been bedridden and Jesus comes to her takes her hand, lifts her up, heals her and “she began to […]