Epiphany Sunday

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in-person or online. Too often we have been told that a successful life is a linear one. But in reality, our lives unfold with many unexpected twists and turns. The Magi follow a star, embarking on a long journey in a foreign land in order to honor the […]

December 29, 2024 ~ Lessons & Laughter

Join us at 10:00 a.m. in person or online, as we celebrate the Christmas season, a time of great joy. Our worship is inspired by a “Lessons & Carols” format and will embody a spirit of “Lessons & Laughter.” We’ll explore three Scripture lessons, each paired with beloved hymns and a creative response rooted in […]

Event Series Advent Concert

Advent Concert

Join us for 50-minutes of uplifting music of the Christmas season! Concerts are open to the public. Take a moment to meet the musicians and share in refreshments after the concert. Free will offering. December 12, 2024: Sara Emerson McGarvey, Soprano singing holiday favorites December 19, 2024: Inisheer – Kalamazoo's newest Irish band

Christmas Eve 11:00 p.m. – Lessons and Holy Communion (livestreamed)

Join us this Tuesday at 11:00 pm in-person or online. In a quieter spirit, we will sing carols, listen to beautiful handbell music, and gather at the communion table to receive the bread of life and the cup of blessing. If weather permits, we will take our candles to the front steps and sing Silent […]

Christmas Eve: Love Knows Your Name

Join us this Tuesday at 7:00 pm in-person or online. Throughout Advent, we have lit candles of hope, peace, joy, and love. This evening, we will light the Christ candle to honor that Christ is our Light. We will raise our collective voice to sing Christmas carols accompanied by brass instruments. The Chancel Singers will […]

Advent, Week 4: Hope Is Worth the Risk

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. This week, we celebrate our children as they share with us their Christmas pageant, “The Inn,” directed by Jacqueline Stilger. The script was developed by St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church. Hope and risk are two ideas that have a lot in common. When we […]

Event Series Advent Concert

Advent Concert

Join us for 50-minutes of uplifting music of the Christmas season! Concerts are open to the public. Take a moment to meet the musicians and share in refreshments after the concert. Free will offering. December 12, 2024: Sara Emerson McGarvey, Soprano singing holiday favorites December 19, 2024: Inisheer – Kalamazoo's newest Irish band

Advent, Week 3: Do the Good That Is Yours to Do

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. As Advent unfolds, we are encouraged to pause amidst life's busyness, seek deeper spiritual connections, and extend acts of kindness and service to others. On this journey of waiting and hope our worship series “Words for the Beginning” encourages us to hear the curiosity presented […]

Advent, Week 4: Hope Is Worth the Risk

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online.  This week, we celebrate our children as they share with us their Christmas pageant.  Hope and risk are two ideas that have a lot in common. When we hope for something, we don’t know if it will happen or not, we just want it to. […]

Advent, Week 2: We Can’t Go Alone

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. This second Sunday of advent invites us to remember Naomi and Ruth who traveled together to Bethlehem even though they were an unlikely couple whose companionship pressed cultural and religious barriers. This friendship foreshadows Mary and Joseph, who traveled together in spite of the risks. […]

Advent, Week 1: You Are a Blessing

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on. In many […]

Sunday, November 24, 2024 ~ Reign of Christ

Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online. What does it mean to speak of the Christ who reigns, or Christ the king? The Gospels will undoubtedly tell us that Jesus redefined what it meant to be king, this is his purpose in coming. The one who reigns in our lives was treated […]