“If young people are the future of the church, come hear what a world-wide expert on young people knows about the present.”
We are honored to have Joy Eva, a worldwide authority on youth advocacy and global migration, join us on Sunday, May 21st. This event is a rare opportunity to gain insights from someone who has been working on these critical issues all around the world.
“Joy is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church assigned as Program Executive for Youth Engagement at the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva, Switzerland. WCC is a community of churches on the way to visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and in common life in Christ. It seeks to advance towards this unity, as Jesus prayed for his followers, “so that the world may believe.” (John 17:21). The UMC is a member of WCC. Her primary role is to ensure youth active involvement and participation all throughout the WCC. She is a former mission intern, and was commissioned to her present work in October 2015.”
Eva’s work with the World Council of Churches (WCC) has focused on youth advocacy, demonstrating the significance and impact of young people in shaping our present and future. As a passionate advocate for the younger generation within the church, she has been instrumental in driving conversations and actions that consider their unique perspectives and needs. She will also be discussing the increasingly important issue of global migration.
This is an opportunity not to be missed, as Eva shares her experience and insights on these two fundamental issues – youth advocacy and global migration, and their impact on the church. Join us in welcoming her and engaging in this vital conversation.
Please Check her Bio and learn more about our inspiring guest by clicking the link: https://umcmission.org/missionary-bio/3021829/