On REJOICE SUNDAY we celebrate and we anticipate all that God will accomplish in and through First UMC in the days ahead. We lift up our mission to EXPERIENCE, CELEBRATE, and to SHARE God’s love. We make a conscious choice among all the other choices available to come together as the church. So what makes us the church? What makes us unique from all the other forms of community available to us? The answer is JESUS. Simple right? Well, maybe. When Jesus asked Peter “Who do you say that I am” he confessed, “You are the Messiah.” For this Peter was blessed and given the keys to the Kingdom of heaven.
The question becomes for the church, “Who do we say Jesus is?” Our answer to the question has everything to do with how will live, and specifically, how we will be a visible alternative to all other choices for community.
Led by: Rev. Matt Weiler
Romans 13:8-14 / Matthew 16:13-20