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Consecration Sunday 

October 27, 2024 @ 10:00 am

“Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”

~Mark 10: 46-52

Join Us this Sunday as we continue to delve deeper into our generosity campaign.

It is Consecration Sunday. This is the day our Generosity Campaign has been leading up to and anticipating. To consecrate means to set apart or declare something as sacred. This Sunday, we bring our pledge cards forward and place them in the woven basket that represents our vision of God’s holy story woven with ours. The writing and planning of a given amount to the ministries of Kalamazoo First United Methodist Church is our commitment to offer our financial gifts to extend Christ’s transforming love to others. It also spiritually transforms us. Pledging our gifts reminds us to faithfully manage all God has given us. In these acts, we come before God and ask God to consecrate our deep gladness and to lead and guide us as we meet the deep hungers of the world. Let us celebrate God’s love and be woven into God’s story of restoration and transformation.

Led by: Rev. Julie Kline


October 27, 2024
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Category: